911 Can Save Your Life
(Or Someone Else’s)

Call 9-1-1 to:
- Stop a crime
- Report a fire
- Save a life
- In any EMERGENCY situation whenever police, fire or ambulance assistance is required immediately
If you are unsure, call 9-1-1 and the communicator will make the final determination.
Do NOT Call 9-1-1 to:
- Report a hydro outage
- Check weather or highway conditions
- Obtain government information
- For directory assistance
- For information about school closings, road conditions, directions, etc.
Use these numbers instead:
- 1-888-310-1122: OPP 24 hr toll-free
- 1-800-222-TIPS (8477): Crimestoppers
- 1-800-268-4686: MTO Road Information
- 4-1-1: Directory Assistance

Your 911 call will be answered:
“911, Do you require Police, Fire or Ambulance?”
When you reply with one of the above you will be instantly transferred to the agency you requested. When you call 911 to report an emergency, the Communicator will ask you these basic questions:
“Where is this happening?”
“When did this happen?”
“What is happening now? Why?”
“Who is involved?”
“Did you see any weapons or any mention of weapons”