Are you concerned about
someone you know?

- Are you or someone you care about going through a difficult time?
- Are you seeing behaviour changes that are worrisome?
- Has there been recent negative contact with the Police, Child Welfare, or the Justice System?
- Have you thought “if someone doesn’t do something soon, things are going to get worse…but where can I/we find the help?”
The UCCM Anishnaabe Police Services’ Social Navigator Initiative (SNI) is here to connect and support at-risk individuals and repeat offenders in finding and connecting with appropriate services.
Our goal is to help using early intervention and outreach via the Police service and in collaboration with our partners.
We are here to help!
The Social Navigator can:
- Conduct screening, initial assessment, referral and case management services
- Be a point of contact and communication for entry/re-entry into the program
- Work with community partners
- Provide outreach services to adults and youth who are recognized within the Police Service
- Participate in the creation of care or intervention plans for individuals, families, or groups along with community partners
- Coordinate and liaise with community services
- Provide consultation services for those addressing complex needs
- Facilitate, plan and organize working groups to address community safety and crime prevention
- Provide short-term psycho-social supports to individuals and their families
Education and Awareness
A major component of the Social Navigator Initiative is to engage the public in proactive, preventative services in partnership with the communities in our service area. If you are looking for information or are interested in hosting a workshop, information session, learning series or informal drop in, give us a call. We can and will tailor the information to specific audiences.
Some topics we cover:
- Violence Prevention
- Healthy Relationships
- Bullying
- Cyberbullying
- Addiction
- Substance use, misuse and abuse
- Drug Awareness
- Family Conflict
- Community Safety
- Crime Prevention
- Mental Health and the Law
- Life-skills
- Prescription medication safety
- Reporting Crime
Community Networks
The UCCM Anishnaabe Police realizes the importance of community networks and is actively involved in the following networks on Mnidoo Mnising.
- Mnidoo Mnising Youth Providers Network
- Manitoulin Addictions and Mental Health Network
- Mental Health and Justice Sub-committee
- Suicide Prevention Working Group
- Mnidoo Mnising Domestic Violence Prevention CoalitionManitoulin Drug Strategy/Harm Reduction Group
- Anti-Human Trafficking Working Group
Networks are established to create a space where collaborative planning and implementation of new projects for specific target audiences or user groups can occur. It allows Officers and Civilian Staff to share community safety expertise in a variety of areas.
The Tools We Use in SNI Service Delivery
Stolen Property – Buyer Beware!
TIPS & STRATEGIES TO AVOID GETTING CAUGHT IN DIRTY DEALS Who doesn’t love a good deal?! We all do, right? But remember, if it "sounds too good to be true", it probably is! Consider [...]
HealthIM – Brief Mental Health Screener
The BMHS was purposely built to support front line officers in situations where they are responding to mental health crisis calls and focuses on immediate risk of harm. Use of the BMHS ensures uniform and [...]
Voluntary Vulnerable Persons Registry
The Voluntary Vulnerable Person Registry (VVPR) is an initiative created with the assistance of community partners for the benefit of those who are at increased vulnerability. The registry assists police in providing a coordinated response [...]
Gchi Mino Naadmaadwin Teg (GMNT)
Gchi Mino Naadmaadwin Teg describes the ultimate level of services based on the integration of human services sectors to proactively respond to situations requiring coordinated action. What this means is: As a team, we [...]
Violence Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA)
Violent Threat Risk Assessments were born out of necessity resulting from mass school shootings in Canada and other places around the world. Initially, these assessments were started through the school system. Today, they have evolved [...]
Lighting the Fire Within (LTFW)
Gender-Based Violence: Promising Practices to Support Survivors and their Families Gender-based violence (GBV) is any form of violence against an individual because of their gender expression, gender identity or perceived gender. This can take [...]