The UCCMM Justice Program was established in 1994 as an alternative to contemporary Canadian criminal justice regimes. It is based upon traditional Anishinaabe values and beliefs including the need for healing and reconciliation, prevention of future criminal occurrences, accountability for offender’s actions, and general reconciliation of offender, victim, and community.
The UCCMM Justice Program currently offers six programs to the six member First Nations and the off-reserve First Nation population in the District of Manitoulin. Two of these programs, Gladue Caseworker Program and the Aboriginal Re-integration Support Services Program, also serve Wikwemikong.
The Department of Justice and the Ministry of the Attorney General co-fund four programs under the UCCMM Community Justice Program. These are the Diversion Program, Zoongaabwe-od Eshniig-jik Program (Youth standing tall and strong with their feet firmly planted in the ground), Gladue Caseworker Program and Maamwi Noojmodaa Program (Let’s heal together).
The Ministry of Children and Youth Services fund two programs under the UCCMM Community Justice Program. These are the Aboriginal Re-integration Support Services (ARISS) Program and the U-Turn Program. Click a link to find out more about the Justice Program.