Leroy Robert Todd Eshkawkogan
Leroy Eshkawkogan is a 37 year old male. His community of origin is Wiikwemkoong. His current whereabouts is unknown.
Leroy can begin to clear this up by calling the station and speaking with the court administrator or an Officer.
Anyone else with current information is encouraged to call as well.
**no additional descriptors or photo.
Christopher Paul George Aguonie – Warrant
Christopher Paul George Aguonie is wanted by warrant. Christopher Aguonie is described as a 64 year old male, 5’9″ tall, 170lbs with a medium build. He has short black hair and brown eyes. Christophers community of origin is Sheguiandah First Nation. His current whereabouts is unknown.
Christopher can begin to resolve these matters by calling this office and speaking with the court administrator or officer for further directions.
Anyone with current information is encouraged to call the station as well.
Ronald Alvin Owl – Warrant
Ronald Alvin Owl is a 40 year old male. He is described as having black hair and brown eyes. Further he is 6′ tall and is 399lbs. His last known address is in M’Chigeeng.
Ronald can clear this up by calling 705-377-7135 and speaking with the Court Officer/Administrator for further direction.
Anyone with current information is encouraged to call your nearest police station to make a report.
“no photo available”.
Trevor Varga – Warrant
Trevor Varga is a 40 year old male with short blonde hair, black facial hair and hazel eyes. He is further described as 5′ 10″ tall, 220 lbs with a medium build and a light/fair complexion. His community of origin is Thunder Bay and his last known address is in Tehkummah.
Trevor Varga can clear this up by calling 705-377-7135 and speaking with the Court Officer/Administrator for further direction.
Anyone with information is encouraged to contact their nearest police station and make a report.
“no photo available”
Thomas Joseph Anderson – Warrant
Thomas Joseph Anderson is a 30 year old male with black hair and brown eyes. He is described as being 5′ 8″ tall, 146 lbs with a thin build. His community of origin is Aundeck Omni Kaning and his last known address is in Sudbury.
To clear this up, Thomas Anderson can call the station at 705-377-7135 and speak with an officer or court administrator.
If anyone has information on the whereabouts of this person, please call your nearest police station with the information.
“no photo on file”.
Harley James Daniel Beboning – Warrant
Harley James Daniel Beboning is a 29 year old male. He is 6′ 3″ tall and weighs 165 lbs with a thin build. He has dark brown/black straight short hair and brown eyes. He has a skull tattoo on his upper right shoulder and “ambition” on his right forearm.
His last known address and community of origin is in M’Chigeeng First Nation.
Harley can clear this up by calling and speaking with an officer for further direction.
Anyone with current information can call their nearest police services.
Tyler Donald Mack Corbiere
Tyler Corbiere is a 35 year old male. His community of origin and last known address is in M’Chigeeng First Nation.
Tyler can clear this up by calling and speaking with an officer for further direction.
If you have any information on the whereabouts of this person, please call the police.
*No photo **No Descriptors
Brooklyn Ruby Nason
Brooklyn is a 21 year old female last known to reside in M’Chigeeng First Nation with ties to Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation and St. John New Brunswick.
Brooklyn can clear this up by calling and speaking with an officer for guidance.
If you have any information on the whereabouts of this person please call 705-377-7135 or your nearest police station.
**no photo**